Sunday, June 29, 2008

Waiting at the Airport

I arrived too early for my flight home but not too early to learn so I caught up on some much needed reading, Twittered, did some Tumblr blogs, and even retouched a few photos. So far, its a productive day.

I was so thrilled that there was a Barnes N Noble near my hotel is Dallas during this stay. I browsed for hours and found a few gems. I already read most of the books I picked up. I have 1 out of 5 left and I'm about halfway through my vampire novel that I started on the way to Dallas.

It always feels so good to be going home. There is an excitement of sleeping in my own bed, not having the maids come into my room or knock at the door while I'm sleeping, and then there is the food. I love to dine out, but seriously, I am missing my own cooking. I think I might make chili when I get home for supper tomorrow. The kind that will make your nose run.