Tuesday, June 22, 2004

The Flight to LA-My first time on a plane!

Nov 7th 2004

All the plans were set for me to get on the plane. The flight was at 10am. My brother’s girlfriend let me use her frequent flyer miles and we booked the flight online a week in advance. I was so nervous, I shook. I had never rode in an airplane, very scared of heights, and I was taking this first flight/journey to LA on my own.

My mom and younger brother drove me to the airport and waited while I checked my bags. I was early, anxious, and happy to start this new chapter in my life. I stood outside of the security checkpoint that I had to go through to get to my boarding gate. I didn’t want to go but I desperately wanted to go at the same time. I cried as I hugged my mom and younger brother. They told me they loved me and that they knew I would succeed.

Still crying, I went through the gate and turned to...Read the rest here!

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